Workshops for parents with children in the Czech Republic

Interactive 1.5-hour workshop based on the book ABCZ not only about Czech cultural identity.

Interactive 1.5-hour workshop based on the book ABCZ not only about Czech cultural identity.
Participants (children aged 6 and older and parents) first choose their own letters and words they associate with the Czech Republic. They then put them together into a story and illustrate it. We will then be inspired to create our own work, both literary and artistic. Everyone leaves with a piece of the puzzle, their own alphabet sheet, and perhaps an answer to the question: can we describe our relationship to our native country with alphabet entries? Would we choose the same ones, or does everyone carry their own in their hearts?

If you are interested in the workshop, please contact Denisa Šediva at

Come and play! April 12, 2024 – Czech Courses, Vinohradská 18, Prague
Festival Mini, 17–18/5/2019, Kotva department store, Prague
Family Afternoon with ABCZ, 9/2/2020, Moravian Gallery, Brno


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