ABCZ or All You Need to Know about Czechia and the Czechs


Illustrated ABC Book of Czechia with 257 entries in Czech with English translation.
Easy-to-use interactive guide to Czech culture and life. Covering topics ranging from history to art and design, gastronomy, geography and technical innovations.
For curious minds of all ages.
The Most Beautiful Czech Book of the Year 2018 in the area of the pedagogic books

3 in stock


Targeted to grasp and understand the Czech identity. That is why ABCZ is also for foreigners living in the Czechia (and not only for them, but for all foreigners interested in our culture). And even more: as Robert Russell, British translator, living for 25 years in Czechia, says: … Above all, I have learnt things that foreigners usually miss when they come to a country as an adult – the culture of childhood…

Concept and text: Denisa Šedivá
Illustrations, graphic design and typesetting: Adam Macháček and Sébastien Bohner, 20YY Designers
Translation: Robert Russell and Ivan Gutierrez
Printing: Quatro Print (Plc)
Publisher: 2018, Denisa Šedivá –
ISBN: 978-80-270-5240-0

Size: 24 x 32 cm
Weight: 0,9 kg
Language: CZ, EN
Binding: Otabind
Year of publication: 2018


Kavka, Krocínova 5, Prague 1
Artmap, Vojtěšská 18, Prague 1
PageFive, Veverkova 8, Prague 7

Booktherapy, Římská 35, Prague 2

Je tu milo, Veveří 459/12, Brno

Bendox Bookstore, DOX, Osadní 34, Prague 7
Koenig Books, Veletržní palác, Veletržní 47, Prague 7

Weight 0.5 kg
SKU: book-abcz Category:
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