An ABC book of Czechism with the price of gold. ABCZ or All You Need to Know about Czechia and the Czechs is read by Czech children all over the world


It contains all the most precious and beautiful things we have. A minimalist, conceptually brilliant book by Denisa Haubertova Šedivá, a promoter of Czech design abroad, guides the reader through the history, culture, customs and personalities of the Czech Republic. In 2018, it won the title of the Most Beautiful Czech Book in the textbook category. In alphabetical order, using slogans, texts and pictures, it explains not only to children but also to their parents important concepts such as dissent, freedom, tramping, nylons or Havel’s Pižďuchs. And lest we forget – everything is presented and explained in English in addition to Czech…

By Petra Boháčová

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