A clear vision

What kind of woman should be the next head of the Czech state?


A woman who will be concerned with the welfare of the people and the country, not her own benefit; a woman who will see the presidency as a service, not a privilege of power. A woman who is absolutely clear about the fundamental direction of our country. She is proud of it and its culture, but she also recognises that the responsibility does not end here, but extends to Europe and the world; she naturally combines patriotism with a self-evident Europeanism. She is an open, ecological, tolerant and sensitive woman… She should love people and our country above all else. Not the people as an electorate and an elevator to power, not this country as a means to acquire wealth. She should heal the wounds inflicted by past regimes, past governments and presidents, not least the long pandemic…

By Denisa Šedivá

Photo: Vojta Veškrna

Original Article – Heroine (May 2021)

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