Workshops abroad for compatriots

Interactive 1.5-hour workshop for expatriates living abroad based on ABCZ book not only about Czech cultural identity.

Participants (children aged 6 and older and parents) first choose their own letters and words they associate with the Czech Republic. They then put them together into a story and illustrate it. We will then be inspired to create our own work, both literary and artistic. Everyone leaves with a piece of the puzzle, their own alphabet sheet and perhaps an answer to the question: what is important to me, what do I like about the Czech Republic that I miss here?

If you are interested in the workshop, please contact Denisa Šediva at

20/9/2019 American Sokol Washington, D.C.
21/9/2019 Czech and Slovak School of North Carolina
22/9/2019 Česká a slovenská škola v Atlantě / Czech and Slovak School of Atlanta
26/9/2019 Český a Slovenský Svet- Czech and Slovak School Pittsburg
27/9/2019 Czech and Slovak Heritage Association Baltimore
28/9/2019 Comenium Czech and Slovak School of Philadelphia

21-22/11/2019 Czech Section of the European School in Brussels
25-26/11/2019 European School of Luxembourg
20-21/11/2021 Czech School without Frontieres
11/12/2021 Česká škola bez hranic, Paris



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